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Sunday, November 13, 2011

BlackBerry Mom: Parents left in lurch by days off for schools

On Nov. 1, as I looked at the latest school lunch menu, I felt sick.

Though the foods we serve our kids are not yet where they can and should be (can't we serve children chicken strips rather than chopped chicken, "formed" to resemble chicken tenders?) I try to focus on the district's improvements. So, it wasn't the food choices that made me nauseated. It was the number of minutes, hours and days my daughter would not be in school during November. There are five full days off — Election Day, Veterans Day, the two days they are always off for Thanksgiving, and this year, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is a full teacher comp day.

There are two half-days for elementary school kids, one for grading, one for parent-teacher conferences. And while I am happy the middle and high school children only have one, and get more instructional time, those of us with smaller children are without teenage baby sitters to help us during our workdays.

Plus, the Warwick Valley School District decided the children aren't out of class enough for the month of November, so they are starting the early dismissal days I wrote about a few months ago, during which the teachers will talk about how they are going to be evaluated.

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