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Friday, October 21, 2011

BlackBerry Playbook

BlackBerry Playbook screenshots do not work when bridge Enabled (BES)

I've really tried to do an overview of the BlackBerry Playbook in bridge mode, but it looks like RIM slipped into another "security feature" in the device. If the BlackBerry Playbook bridged with a BlackBerry smartphone is the screenshot function we have not worked before. I spoke with a few friends at RIM and they confirmed this is a "security feature", although an annoying one at that. You can not even take a screenshot of another app not connected to the bridge if the bridge to live.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Let me know if you found a way to make it different than using a camera!
On a side note, RIM also a Knowledge Base article titled "Files stored are not to the internal memory of the playbook can be attached to a message after pairing with BlackBerry bridge", although on my textbook, I can BlackBerry Playbook files attach the bridg published found.

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